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Tag Archives: Jolly Phonics

Jolly Phonics Conference in Slovacia

Jolly Phonics Conference in Slovacia, 27 aprilie, i-a adus in mijlocul profesorilor entuziasmati pe fondatorul Jolly Learning, Chis Jolly, precum si traineri din Slovacia (Viera Machalkova), Polonia (Sylwia Dzeren-Glowacka) si Romania (Silvana Serbanescu). S-au schimbat bune practici, realitati educationale, initiative, vise si s-au legat prietenii durabile. Jolly Phonics devine o comunitate din ce in ce mai mare!

Lectii de Jolly Phonics si Grammar

Lectii de Jolly Phonics si Grammar la Rush Green Primary School, Woodford, London.

Vara in UK

Vizitarea de scoli in UK ne inspira in fiecare vara…. Mai jos poze dintr-una din primele scoli care au implementat Jolly Phonics, acum mai bine de 15 ani.

Training teachers in Iasi & Cluj counties as part of the Jolly Phonics Free Trial Programme (Second Stage)- June 2014

Training teachers in Ialomita & Buzau counties as part of the Jolly Phonics Free Trial Programme (First Stage) – September 2013

Teaching by Jolly Phonics

Introducing Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds Application for iPhone/iPad

We are delighted to announce the release of our first educational app which is now available on the App Store for both iPad and iPhone. Ideal for children aged 3+, the Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds app enables children to discover the main 42 letter sounds of English through a series of captivating games. Start your child’s journey in reading and writing! This beautifully animated
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