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Category Archives: Noutati

Adopted around the world

Summiya Yasmeen interviewed Christopher Jolly, the London-based founder of Jolly Learning Pvt. Ltd (estb.1987) which has pioneered Jolly Phonics, a child-centred approach to teaching English through synthetic phonics, and Jolly Grammar. The company sells over 2 million publications each year in over 100 countries. Excerpts: What were the reasons which prompted you to promote Jolly Learning? Stagnation and low standards in the teaching of
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Tabara de Vara in Irlanda

Jolly Star va invita in Tabara de Vara in Irlanda Augrim Summer Camp 2017 Arklow Summer Camp 2017

Vara in UK

Vizitarea de scoli in UK ne inspira in fiecare vara…. Mai jos poze dintr-una din primele scoli care au implementat Jolly Phonics, acum mai bine de 15 ani.

Is the sky the same every day?

Are mice just as interesting as elephants?  Is there only one correct way of eating a delicious chocolate cake with vanilla topping?  There is diversity in the world for sure and Jolly Star is hereby inviting you all to understand it and benefit of it together. I’ m Silvana Serbanescu, Jolly Learning trainer, Educational Manager of Jolly Star Learning Centre and together with my
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TO BE OR NOT TO BE A GREAT TEACHER WHEN? WHAT? WHO? WHERE?     FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th   13:00-14:00 Registration All the participants Entrance Hall 14:00-14:30 Welcome Speeches Aureliana Grama – BETA Chair Monika Zaczek – Academic Manager British Council Cristina Nechifor  – Artistic Director of the Shakespeare’s Heritage Youth Festival 2016       Festivity Hall 14:30-16:45 UNATC Visul unei nopti de
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Extinderea implementarii programului pilot Jolly Phonics

Pentru anul scolar 2016-2017, Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii a decis extinderea implementarii programului pilot Jolly Phonics la 7 judete din Romania si Bucuresti. Asta inseamna ca elevi din mediul urban si rural vor beneficia de materiale gratuite, profesorii au fost instruiti pentru a putea preda dupa metoda Jolly Phonics, o intreaga echipa de consilieri psihologici este pregatita sa evalueze copilasii pentru masuratorile stiintifica in
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5 simturi by Jolly Star Learning Centre

5 simturi by Jolly Star Learning Centre Pe perioada verii (1 iulie- 15 septembrie) aducem copiilor d-voastra bucuria explorarii si îi învatam despre lumea înconjuratoare prin mijlocirea celor cinci simturi, abordând predarea limbii engleze dintr-o perspectiva trans-disciplinara amuzanta. Permiteti-le celor mici sa învete despre darul special al celor cinci simturi si despre cum functioneaza ele, printr-o abordare integrata asupra limbii engleze. Vor învata despre
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Introducing Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds Application for iPhone/iPad

We are delighted to announce the release of our first educational app which is now available on the App Store for both iPad and iPhone. Ideal for children aged 3+, the Jolly Phonics Letter Sounds app enables children to discover the main 42 letter sounds of English through a series of captivating games. Start your child’s journey in reading and writing! This beautifully animated
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